Embrace Grace – Packing Party
May 27, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
“Share The Love” Outreach Event!
Right here in San Diego, some women are in need of a message of Hope and Encouragement. You have the opportunity to shower them with Love and Grace by gifting them a Love Box! Canyon Springs is partnering with Embrace Grace, allowing us to share hope and encouragement through Jesus Christ.
What Is A Love Box?
A Love Box is gifted to single young women facing an unplanned pregnancy. Each box has a personal invitation to a church-hosted support group, stories from both a parenting mom and birth mom, a letter of hope, a journal with writing prompts encouraging her to be fearless, a ‘Best Gift Ever’ onesie, and A Bump in Life book that includes testimonies that offer single and pregnant moms’ hope.
Love Boxes will be gifted free of charge to local Pregnancy Centers. The main Pregnancy Centers we partner with are Life Choices in Poway and True Choice in Miramar. These will be given to any woman who comes in contact with these pregnancy centers.
This Is Where You Come In!
We need a team of women to attend our PACKING PARTY and help pack, assemble, and PRAY over 40 Love Boxes! We also need women to write letters of Encouragement to Brave Girls facing an unplanned pregnancy! We will serve light refreshments, learn about the Embrace Grace Ministry, and help Canyon Springs Share the Love!
Packing Party Event Details:
- What: Assemble Love Boxes and Pray
- When: Saturday, May 27th, 2023
- Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
- Where: The Cove (9889 Hibert St., Ste A, SD 92131)
- Registration: YES! Register Here
- Donations: If it is in your heart to pray and financially support this ministry, please reach out to Michelle Cooper at [email protected] on the various ways you can support this ministry.
Questions? Contact Marysa Grondin at [email protected]