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Undie Sunday! 

We have an opportunity to partner with New Day Urban Ministries again at Canyon Springs! If you remember, New Day Urban Ministries is a Christ-centered environment. They strive to restore lives by equipping those in need to move forward with hope by providing essential services to the homeless, urban poor, veterans, and those recently released from prison in a safe, home-like setting where people are treated with dignity, respect, and compassion.

Canyon Springs’ Undie Sunday!

Underwear is a big budget item for New Day Urban Ministries, San Diego, because they believe that everyone who comes to their doors for clothes should receive a pair of socks and underwear. New undies are something we take for granted but are a blessing and a true gift for someone who has been living on the streets or cannot afford this very basic human dignity.

Please join us in gathering undies and other sundries to help New Day provide this practical blessing to those they serve in downtown San Diego.

Event Details

  • When: Sunday, April 25th & Sunday, May 2nd
  • Where: Drop your new items off at church on Sunday (or at the Cove during the week).

Items To Be Collected


  • New underwear, any size (boxers preferred)
  • Thermals
  • Socks


  • New underwear, any size (smaller sizes are in demand)
  • Sports Bras
  • Socks


  • New underwear
  • Socks

Questions? Contact Jilane Hawkins at [email protected]