Jesus gave us a mission. He wants us to reach the next one. One here in our church, one there in our community, one everywhere around our world. This has been our vision since we began the church. I would like you to prayerfully consider your response in three areas.

  1. Who am I going to reach out to that doesn’t currently know Jesus.
  2. How am I going to serve at Canyon Springs to help reach the next one
  3. What can I give financially to help make this happen.

As part of this campaign the elders, staff and I have set a financial goal to raise $100,000 over our regular budget.

I am fortunate and incredibly grateful to be the pastor of a church that has been faithful financially. We are one of a small percentage of churches that have increased our giving every single year as a church. Annual giving has gone up 2%-5% each year. That sounds impressive and we truly are grateful for that increase, but that 2%-5% is just enough to cover rent increases and increasing insurance premiums. Over the last year the staff and elders got together to dream of what we could do if God blessed us beyond our typical giving pattern. Our hope is that we can make a greater impact here at our church, there in our community, and everywhere around the world. Let me take a moment to detail where that giving is going and how it will make a difference here, there, and everywhere.

One Here

We have plans to team with Marshall Middle School to help renovate the theater to make the best possible first impression with our guests who visit us for the first time. That includes new projectors, new carpet, paint, and new “One’s” signs for the stage. We plan on redesigning our children’s ministry look and signage. We’d like to have some extra funds to honor the Sunday School Team that we’ve asked to commit to 9 months of teaching Sunday School. We have been in our midweek facility “The Cove” for 5 years now and there are some areas that are looking tired including the carpet. There are some staff who have not received cost of living increases in the last 5 years because we didn’t have the budget for it. My heart is to care for these people who sacrifice so much to make a difference in our community.

One There

We want to reach more people in our community by growing our advertising budget to reach into our community. We have a dream of expanding our podcast ministry so that the reach of Canyon Springs can be a click away to people all over the community and even the world. We also want to raise some money for scholarships for VBS and youth camps so that we can reach kids and youth who are not a part of our church yet.

One Everywhere

Our missions ministry is amazing but relatively new and we have almost no budget for it. We would like to grow our missions budget and create scholarships for first time missions participants. We also have a dream to create transitional housing for some of our older kids who’ve aged out of the orphanage in Haiti.

Jack’s Message

We haven’t done a campaign like this before so I wanted to take a moment to explain.

How Does This 10% Work?

Maybe that means giving 10% more than your regular giving over the course of the year, or perhaps as a family you’d like to make a one time gift. To make it simple we are not asking you to check a special box or give in a special envelope or a special website (even though we do have some cool new envelopes for 2017 year that we’ve included!) Just give online or on Sundays like you would normally give. If you are not in a position to partner with us financially, we would still ask that you partner with us in prayer.

Would you please consider helping us reach the next one this year?

  1. Who am I going to reach out to that doesn’t currently know Jesus?
  2. How am I going to serve at Canyon Springs to help reach the next one?
  3. What can I give financially to help make this happen?

Take a moment and fill out the commitment form below. Let’s watch together as God changes the people in our lives here, there, and everywhere!

The Next One Commitment Form

Please know – these responses are 100% confidential.