Thank you for your extended and gracious efforts to our Canyon Springs family. You have been chosen to be recognized to the rest of the church family. We will be highlighting your story (and picture(s)) on the website, social media and with a quick “Thank You” at a Sunday service. You can see what the end results look like here:
Past Volunteer Spotlight Posts
To recognize you in a fun and engaging way, we need to learn more about you and your work. We will highlight a picture of you – ideally “on the job”. Feel free to submit additional pictures of you, your family or anything else you’d care to share as a part of this spotlight.
How To Fill Out
At a minimum, we need the first Section answered. Beyond that it’s optional – though we’d love to have a few questions from each additional section completed, but do not expect EVERY question to be answered. At the end of the day, we respect your privacy.
NOTE: Because some of these form entries may be long, we highly recommend you type/prepare the answers to your questions somewhere else besides in this form, such as a Text Editor, Draft Email, Word Document, etc. This is the internet, and you never know when a little bugger is going to mess up this form when you go to submit.