A text message arrives. Your phone rings. The voice or message on the other end has a tone of panic, “Please pray . . .”. You drop to your knees asking God to be near, to be with that person. Prayer is a way that God opens our hearts to carry the burdens of others, petitioning for His provision and His Love to envelope the situation. As we pray, we know God is with us. This past year God challenged me to be on the front row of the lives of the Canyon Springs family by seeking out opportunities to pray. After each service, my personal cell number and email are shared on the screen inviting people to let me share in their prayers, their burdens, their joys.

God is answering prayers. God is at work. God is amazing.

I have been overwhelmed by being part of what God is doing in the lives of our church family. God is answering prayers. God is at work. God is amazing.

Who will be your one in 2020? Who will you be praying for? When you get the call to pray, will you drop to your knees? One of the best ways to be part of other’s lives is to join a small group in 2020. We are stronger in our faith together. Jesus says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Let’s march into 2020 not alone but God with us.

Will you once again pray for this need to be met? Will you prayerfully consider making an extra year end gift this season? Thank you for joining with God and His church at Canyon Springs to expand His Kingdom today. Use the enclosed envelope to make a donation or visit our safe and secure online giving page, We have much to be grateful for this year as we have sought to build our lives on His foundation. Thank you!

Wishing you a joyous Christmas season!

~Pastor Jack

December Events

Sunday Services

Our Sunday Services will run normally at 8:30am & 10:30am throughout the entire month of December.

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Christmas Eve Volunteer Opportunities

Year End Giving?

If you find it in your heart to give financially, visit our safe and secure online giving page.