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Our Missions Ministry at Canyon Springs Church offers something for everyone. We know, according to Scripture, that God wants to send us out into this world to make disciples. We are all commanded to “GO” whether it is down the street, downtown, across the border or half-way across the world. We want to provide opportunities for people to GO and BE the hands and feet of Jesus.

VBS in Mexico!

  • VBS in Tijuana Mexico: Saturday, July 16, 2016. Cost: $10.00 per person or $20.00 per family.
  • Meet at The Cove; our mid-week facility at 8:00am. We will caravan down to the Otay Mesa border and walk across. Transportation will be provided to the church site. We hope to return by 4:00pm, depending on the border crossing traffic.
  • Documentation Requirements: Anyone 16 or older needs to bring their passport; under 16 must be accompanied by a parent and bring a passport or birth certificate.
  • Want to help provide lunch to our friends in Mexico? We are serving sandwiches to our friends in Mexico and could use your help. Would you please make a loaf (or more) worth of meat, cheese and mayonnaise sandwiches? You can drop them off at VBS on Friday, July 15th.

To register to join us in Mexico on VBS Saturday and/or help provide lunch. Please click “here


Mission Trip pictures

Enjoy pictures from our last VBS in Mexico trip!