Well, we completed the second day of our USS Submerged mission. Our crew (made up of First Mates, Junior Officers and Bubbleheads) is amazing; they have stuck to the target and been able to FIND THE TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD every day! Not only that, but they were supremely decked out for Super Color Spirit Day; it was awesome!

We learned today that our motto for the week is JESUS SEES. JESUS KNOWS. JESUS SAVES! We will see this message weaved into everything we do – story, craft, songs and activities.

Our story today was about the woman at the well and its from the 4th chapter of John in the New Testament. Jesus was traveling through Samaria and he sat down at a well to rest. A Samaritan woman walked up to get some water and Jesus asked her for a drink. She was very surprised that Jesus was talking to her because, in those days, Jews DID NOT talk to Samaritans – and men didn’t really acknowledge women either. So the woman was taken aback! Jesus told her many things about her life (even some things that she was not very proud of). Then He offered her “living water” and told her if she accepted this living water, she would never thirst again. The woman realized that Jesus was the Messiah; she immediately ran back to town and told everyone what had happened. Many came to to the well to see for themselves and many more came to believe in Jesus that day. This story reflects our message for today: JESUS KNOWS MY WORTH. Even though the Samaritan woman wasn’t considered “worthy” to the Jews – or even to a lot of her Samaritan people because of all the mistakes she had made – Jesus loved her and showed her that she was valuable and loved.

Our kids were very busy at all the rotations today! Did you see the “ocean in a bottle” that your child created? How cool was that?! At rec, the groups had fun on the slip & slide and had a tug of war competition (boys vs girls!) Find out who won in your child’s group! We learned a new song today, “You Know Me.” It was very simple but the words are so powerful in reinforcing the message of how Jesus knows and loves each and every one of us.

Thank you to all the kids that brought money today for the kids in Tijuana! Ms. Pam was quite busy collecting money and distributing bracelets this morning! We were so anxious to see how many kids would get uniforms. At the end of the day, we celebrated that we had enough money for THREE kids in Tijuana to get school uniforms – so they can now go to school because of the hard-earned money brought today by our VBS kids!

If you or your family are interested in joining us for our VBS Mexico trip this Saturday to visit the kids of Rio Al Mar and provide them with a taste of the fun that we’ve had this week, please go online and register: https://canyonsprings.churchcenteronline.com/registrations/events/34906.

Lastly, make sure your kids are practicing their memory verses!

The theme verse for the week is:

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me. Lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24

The bonus verse for today was:

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Psalm 139:14

There is no specific theme for tomorrow; just wear your VBS t-shirts. On Thursday, it will be UNDERWATER DAY, so start planning what you’re going to wear for that!

For highlight pics and videos from Day 1 at VBS, check out our Canyon Springs Facebook page!

Can’t wait to see all our USS Submerged Bubbleheads tomorrow morning!

Over and out,

Captain B (…and Skippy)