Hard to believe our mission aboard the USS Submerged is over half way complete! Boy, have we had fun!! One of our campers asked her mom last night, “Mommy, do you think I’ll have as much fun at VBS tomorrow as I did today?” Well, I’m betting that she did!

Today we reviewed our motto for the week: JESUS SEES. JESUS KNOWS. JESUS SAVES! We challenged the crew to say it super fast (maybe tomorrow we’ll try to do it backwards?!)

We talked to the crew about some opportunities to experience a “mini-VBS” all year long! For our Kinder through 3rd graders, we have a mid-week program on Wednesday nights called AWANA. It starts in September and runs throughout the school year. The kids get to play games, sing songs, hear Bible stories, but the key focus is on Scripture memorization. They earn patches, jewels and other awards! Typically registration for AWANA is $75, but just for our VBS crew, we have a special discount – it’s only $50 if you register this week! Your child should have come home with a registration form today; you can pay by cash, check or credit card.

For our 4th & 5th graders, we have Club 45 on Monday nights. Club 45 is a “youth group” type environment for our “tweens” to connect with each other, grow in their relationship with the Lord – and engage in lots of fun and games! Club 45 is FREE!!

Our kids, once again, were very busy at all the rotations today! In craft, they made periscopes AND sand & seashell Christmas ornaments. What a great opportunity to revisit these great VBS memories at Christmastime?! At rec, the kids engaged in a water-filled dodge ball fight – with sponges! It was boys vs girls – but all I know is that there were a lot of wet Bubbleheads! During Missions, we got to hear more about DJ and his mission travels, this time to India. He visited a Hindu temple and challenged us to pray for the people of India that they would come to know the one true God. We learned a new song today, “Remarkable Made.” Yesterday we did the “dab” and today we got to do the “whip and the nae nae.” Have your child show you!!

Our story today was about a man named Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a Pharisee (which was a group of people in Jesus’s day that were very strict about keeping the Biblical law); he was also a member of the Jewish ruling counsel. He wanted to see Jesus; he had seen the miracles Jesus had been doing and he had questions. Jesus talked to Nicodemus and told him, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” Nicodemus was confused by this – born again? Jesus helped Nicodemus understand by explaining that God sent His only Son in the world so that everyone believes in Him will have eternal life. After Jesus was crucified, Nicodemus was one of the people to help take Jesus’ body and place it in the tomb. This story reflects our message for today: JESUS KNOWS I NEED A SAVIOR.

We had many kids bring money today for the kids in Tijuana! We were able to celebrate that TWO more kids in Tijuana get school uniforms! Ms. Jilane, from the Mission Train, challenged the crew to do whatever they can to earn money at home so we can continue to provide more uniforms to these kids in need.

If you or your family are interested in joining us for our VBS Mexico trip this Saturday to visit the kids of Rio Al Mar and provide them with a taste of the fun that we’ve had this week, please go online and register: https://canyonsprings.churchcenteronline.com/registrations/events/34906.

Lastly, make sure your kids are practicing their memory verses!

The theme verse for the week is:

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me. Lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24

The bonus verse for today was:

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” 

John 3:16

Tomorrow is UNDERWATER DAY! Can’t wait to see all the sea creatures joining us tomorrow!

For highlight pics and videos from Day 2 at VBS, check out our Canyon Springs Facebook page!

Can’t wait to see all our USS Submerged Bubbleheads tomorrow morning!

Over and out,

Captain B (…and Skippy)