Sports Night was fantastic! Our clubbers were all decked out in their favorite team jerseys and uniforms.
We continued the cereal theme and the clubbers were a little bit tricked because they were snacking on Cinnamon Toast Crunch (definitely a fan favorite!) but that was not actually our “feature” cereal! To go along with the sports theme, our cereal of the week was…
It was funny because all the leaders were much more familiar with Wheaties and its “sports” marketing strategy than any of the kids?! In light of that, our clubbers got a little education! We talked about when Wheaties was “born” (1922) and the various athletes that have been featured on the Wheaties box (Mary Lou Retton, Muhammed Ali, Tiger Woods, Michael Phelps – and the one with the most appearances, Michael Jordan!). We discussed how the athletes that appeared on the Wheaties box were featured because they were known to be champions in their field or sport. Champion athletes are known for things such as strength, discipline, perseverance and being active.
Ms. Betsy then transitioned to what it means to be a champion in God’s eyes. While athletes are champions when they get first place and win above everyone else, God’s champions are called to be servants. Our story came from John 13; Jesus was having dinner with the disciples the night before he died and he started washing their feet. This was very unusual for that time because the washing of feet was typically a job for the lowliest servants. Jesus was setting an example of how Christians are to put others before themselves. We talked about how God wants us to be His hands and feet in this world; we can do that by helping, listening and serving others.
The clubbers are continuing to earn more jewels and patches every week! One of our leaders commented on how amazed she is at how quickly (and enthusiastically) the kids are at learning SO many verses!
Congrats to the BLUE team, our big winners for the night!
Next week is HEARTS FOR JESUS night. The clubbers can wear pink and red (and hearts) all over! I wonder what the cereal will be.. ??
Thank you for sharing your children with us on Wednesday nights; we love our time with them!
The AWANA Team
Pictures from Awana
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