Everyone . . . It’s been an amazing 18 years and I can’t thank you enough! The stories, the memories, the salvations! But through all of the wonderful things that God has done, . . . we’ve had enough!

We’re throwing in the towel.

Yup, it’s true. We sent Pastor “The Puck” Paul back to Canada to follow his other true passion (hockey). Worship Guy Kyle is gone, but we let him keep an acoustic guitar – you’ll find him on Instagram or Facebook strumming away (Though we hope he’ll post more on Sunday mornings now that he won’t be on stage). Chad is going to start another Youth Ministry out on the river – their new “home” will be a used Houseboat that he bought with the Church’s credit card. Advertising Guy Blake is off to another church to improve their Facebook Engagement and Email visibility on mobile (He hopes connect the church better by publishing a church-wide calendar too) Kid-Loving Betsy & Lesley will be taking over the check-in table at St Gregory’s. And Lesley is off to start a young mom’s ministry who will put on Easter Egg hunts year round. Finance Jenny sold the defunct yellow box truck on Craigslist that Chad broke last year. She’s going to settle up on the unpaid donut & coffee bills with the proceeds – those were EXPENSIVE!!) Speaking of donuts – Darlene has taken over both the front desk AND hospitality at Redemption Church. (She said the parking is much better over there.) We’ve cancelled our contract with Marshall Middle School (those plastic chairs were never comfortable enough.) And if there is any staff left after that (I forget), I’ve instructed them to simply go home by taping a paper “GO HOME” sign on The Cove’s front door.

Some may ask about the The Next One Campaign? It’s been going tremendously well! But still not enough . . .

Jilane and I are going to The Caribbean to soak in the sun, hike a trail or two and start a new Mission for retired adults seeking answers in the warm sand (Haiti was too hot & humid)

SO PLEASE . . . Come join us! Or at least help fund our new Mission. Will You? Click below to learn more.

Don’t Be A Fool, Accept Jesus Today!



Message brought to you by Blake :)