Sink or Swim Returns Next Wednesday with Extended Hours!

Once again on Wednesday, July 28, we’ll be back at our gracious hosts, The Lukes’, swimming, hanging out, and eating burgers crafted by the great Larry Rupe himself. And not just that, but we’re going to stay until 8:30 so that we have plenty of time (and darkness) to premiere the full Hume Highlight video! So, grab $5, a few friends, and join the party! More info here.

In the meantime, if you missed the combo trailer we released this past Sunday, showcasing a glimpse into both Forest Home and Hume, you can check that out here.

Last but not least, as we learned from out students at church this past weekend, don’t forget to take some time this week to disconnect from the chaos of the world around you and reconnect with God, take a risk or two, and open yourself up to what God wants to do in and through you.

Praying for you!

Luke Angus
High School Pastor

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