Welcome to the High School Oasis BLOG for the upcoming week!

This Week

MIDWEEKS ARE ON! We meet on Wednesday nights at the COVE from 730-9PM.

We are continuing our Sex Series on Sunday with Pastor Jack speaking about boundaries and answering the question “How far is too far?”

Next Week

Midweeks will be happening and we will be continuing our Sex Series.

On the Radar

Be sure to download our whole FALL calendar. Please keep in mind that events are tentative and can change or things can be added to the calendar but this will give you a framework for what are some of the main things happening. Be sure to subscribe below to get this delivered directly to your inbox every week

GAG night is going to be on 9/25. This is where your student’s small group will do something fun as a group. Stay tuned for details.

Week 1 Sex Series Recap-Disordered Desires, Unrealistic Romance and Inaccurate Marriage

We had a great week 1 of our new series called “The Sex Series.” Here is some spark notes on what we covered and some questions you can discuss at home if you want to continue the conversation.

  • Sex is used as a marketing tool
  • Sex is powerful
  • Is sex a natural desire or a God given invention?
  • We went through three words and talked about what the world says about them and what the Bible says
    • 1st word-desire 
      • Desire is a God given thing that turns into lust when our desires are disordered
      • Gods ultimate plan for you is not for you to chase and fulfill every desire you have. His plan is for you to be conformed to the Image of His Son (Romans 8:28-29).
    • 2nd word-romance 
      • The world has promised you an unrealistic romance
      • Most relationships are not like the song lyrics
      • True love is one man, wanting one woman, for who she is not what she can give
      • Romance points to God
      • For a brief moment..a brief time…romance… gives us the ability to see the best in one other person, to ignore and forgive their flaws, to bask in endless fascination with them..THAT STATE….gives us a tase of how God views us..
    • 3rd word-Marriage 
      • Marriage is a covenant not a contract
      • It is a covenant between you your spouse and God
      • Marriage is not as much about sex as you think it is
      • “In the movies, life is mostly about sex and occasionally children. Married life is mostly about children and occasionally about sex.”
      • Marriage is a beautiful covenant that points to Gods love and grace.
      • Marriage actually strips away the illusions about sex that is hammered into us by media.
  • When it comes to these three words: Desire, romance, marriage...they all point to what God wants with the relationship he has with you. He wants you to desire him, be romanced by him… the beautiful thing is he doesn’t ask for a divorce when you mess up romantically, he just asks “Why don’t you renew your vows with me.”
  • Take home Questions 
    • What are disordered desires?
    • How can we make our desires line up with Gods desires?
    • What is the difference between a contract and a covenant? How does this apply to marriage?
    • How does romance point to God?


I am praying and rooting for you and your family,

Chad Richards

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