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It’s a Very Merry Oasis Christmas! We will be hosting our annual Oasis MS Christmas party on Thursday, December 12th. More details to follow.
Is your student signed up for camp yet? Spots are going fast and we want to make sure your son/daughter has secured their spot! What a sweet Christmas gift!
On the wait list? Have no fear! The more students we get on the wait list, the more likely we are to be able to get a second bus to take all those who are waiting for a spot!
This year, we’re headed to Thousand Pines Camp and we could not be more excited! Students will hear from a great speaker, have a blast during worship, and connect with their leaders and peers through all the incredible activities offered through the weekend. Check out this video teaser of the theme for camp this year Thousand Pines and get ready to send your student FEBRUARY 7-9.
On the Radar
We will be taking a break from Midweeks during the holiday season to allow families time to celebrate with one another. Our final Midweek of the season will be Thursday, December 12th (our Christmas party) and will resume on Thursday, January 9th. We will continue to meet on Sundays through this time, though same may be joined with Main Service.
Hoping your days are merry and bright!
Niki Foster
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