Hi Church,

Thank you for supporting God’s work through Canyon Springs Church. To keep our congregation better informed, we are providing you with quarterly updates on giving.

In the first quarter of 2024, the giving of $144K was $41K less than the $185K budget (these figures do not include the $27K that was separately given for the Transformation Initiative). About half of the shortfall occurred in January, which was unsurprising given that December’s giving was strong. If you feel led to go above and beyond with a one-time gift to help us close the gap, you can do so at canyonsprings.org/give

Here is what we are celebrating in Q1 of 2024!

-15 people served in Guatemala and delivered stoves and food bags to families in need.

-Over 115 youths attended our OASIS Youth Camps, where they made new friends and vibrantly connected with Jesus, and 7 accepted Jesus for the very first time

-We had 35 4th and 5th graders attend Jr. Winter Camp, and 3 accepted Jesus for the first time.

-We finished AWANA with a bang. From September 2023 – March 2024, our AWANA Clubbers collectively memorized 890 verses!

-We baptized eight people a few weeks ago, and it was amazing to celebrate their commitment to God.

-We have provided 95 items of swim equipment, including swimsuits, goggles, rash guards, and swim bags, through our Chollas Mead Fundraiser.

-We helped clothe 130 families through our partnership this year with World Relief.

-Members volunteer regularly at the Journey House, providing financial advice and spiritual support.

-We welcomed 400 people into our new home on Easter Sunday. We had a beautiful Good Friday as we partnered with Family Life Church.

And this is only the first quarter! God is truly moving through this Church. God’s work is evident in our Church, transforming lives and partnering with impactful organizations to change San Diego. Your giving, whether through tithes, time, or prayers, is the fuel that drives these ministries. Thank you for your sacrificial contributions.

Chad Richards 
Lead Pastor
Canyon Springs Church