Parent Meeting This Thursday, September 2nd, 7:30-8pm!  

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND:  Fall has begun!!  Students are heading back to school and Oasis is ramping up to partner with you in the adventures and challenges up ahead.  Our Fall Parent meeting is THIS THURSDAY.  You will hear the vision God has placed on my heart for this ministry, meet our AMAZING leaders, and have a voice in how we can partner together.  See you on Thursday!!   7:30-8:00pm  at the Cove (9889 Hibert St. Suit A).

Oasis Middle School Returns!

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH:  OASIS RETURNS.   7-8:30pm.   What does a pig-eating contest have to do with God’s love for us?  Come find out and bring your snout!!


I’m Lovin’ Oasis Middle!!

Jilane Hawkins

You can text or email! (858-740-4923, [email protected])

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